Pavilion Reservation Procedures
- Pavilion reservations for 2025 begin on Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 8:30am BOTH in-person and online. No reservations can be made over the phone.
- NEW! Pavilion reservations for WAR MEMORIAL PARK & POOR HOUSE FARM PARK (only) will now be made for 6-hours or 13-hour rentals. Please see the fee schedule at the top of this page or pricing is shown on each individual pavilion page. If you make a 13-hour reservation at either of these park locations, you will receive a 20% discount. The 6-hour rental options are 8:00am-2:00pm OR 3:00pm-9:00pm; the 13-hour rental time is 8:00am-9:00pm. All other park pavilions will remain the regular 13-hour rentals. Please note that there have been price changes for many of the pavilions effective for 2025.
- IMPORTANT: Pavilion rentals are for PERSONAL USE ONLY (i.e. picnics with family and friends, celebrations such as birthdays or baby showers, and the like). Any other use, MUST have prior approval through MBCPR Administrative Office by submitting a Special Event Application for review and decision. This application can be found at the top of this page. If you have any questions or to submit your application, please contact Melissa at 304-264-4842 x15 or melissa.gibbons@mbcparks-rec.org.
- Reservations are made for use on dates between April 1st - October 31st. All other dates during the offseason are available at no charge and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Pavilion rentals require full payment at the time of the booking. We are not able to provide date or pavilion 'holds'.
- Please retain your receipt and permit provided to you at the time of booking and take it with you to the park on the day of your event.
- CANCELLATION POLICY: Refunds must be requested 60 days or more from your reservation date. Any cancellations made inside of 60 days will forfeit their full payment. Date changes are based on availability and are not guaranteed to be provided. Note that you are renting an outdoor pavilion shelter with the understanding that the weather may not be conducive for your planned event on your rental day and that if this is the case, a refund or rain date will NOT be given. MBCPR will only provide refunds if we are unable to provide the pavilion to you for use.
- You may decorate the pavilion on the day of your rental. Eye hooks have been installed on a number (but not all) pavilions for your use in decorating. In addition, you may use EASILY REMOVEABLE, NON-PERMANENT TAPE OR STRING ONLY. Any tape or other non-permanent adhesive must be removed entirely along with the decorations at the end of your event and thrown away or taken with you.
- Please be sure any trash, food and other debris from your use at your event is placed in the provided trash receptacle, leaving nothing behind.
- Inflatables such as moon bounces or other recreational items are NOT permitted for personal, social pavilion rentals. For Special Event rentals, please contact Melissa Gibbons at 304-264-4842 x15 for information.