Available Documents
Below are various documents such as monthly board meeting agendas, approved minutes, activity schedules, scholarship applications, facility rental applications and more.
Yoga at Berkeley 2000 Rec Center (Every Wednesday morning with Melanie)
1 file(s) 660.26 KB
Volleyball Open Gym (Held at Randy Smith Rec Center; Co-ed Volleyball Rules)
1 file(s) 515.01 KB
Frequently Asked Questions
Easy! Click on ‘Activities Registration’ and it will take you to CommunityPass, our online registration system, and you can see a quick list on the left side of the page or you do a search if there is something specific you are looking for.
Pavilions are rentable for the months of April-November. We begin taking reservations the first business day in January each year. Reservations can be made online or in-person in our Administrative Office. Find out more about fees, policies, and amenity details on each pavilion by clicking on the Parks tab.